Kinderen en jongeren die een trauma hebben meegemaakt, worden vaak geconfronteerd met grote uitdagingen in hun emotionele, sociale en educatieve ontwikkeling. Degenen die moeilijke situaties hebben meegemaakt - zoals misbruik, verwaarlozing, onstabiele thuisomgevingen of crises zoals conflicten en natuurrampen - zijn extra kwetsbaar en kunnen zich overweldigd voelen door deze ervaringen. Hoewel jeugdwerkers een cruciale rol spelen in het ondersteunen van deze kinderen en jongeren, hebben ze vaak geen adequate tools en middelen om dit te doen.

De toolkit 'Omgaan met Trauma' is bedoeld om deze kloof te dichten door jeugdprofessionals een praktische gids te bieden voor het opbouwen van een veilige en ondersteunende omgeving. De toolkit is aangepast aan verschillende leeftijdsgroepen en biedt een boeiende aanpak om onderwerpen als trauma, stress, zelfzorg en emotioneel welzijn te verkennen.

De toolkit bestaat uit vier belangrijke onderdelen die ontworpen zijn om het begrip van de impact van trauma te verdiepen en gevoelige reacties te begeleiden. Klik op elk van de tabbladen voor meer informatie.


Our 10 educational posters offer innovative ways to guide children and young people in understanding trauma, stress, self-care, and emotions. Thoughtfully crafted, they make complex and sensitive topics more accessible, using playful approaches to explore feelings, behaviour, and the impact of trauma in an age-appropriate manner.

Available for free on StreetSmart Play, these posters are perfect for youth professionals supporting children through challenging experiences. Choose your preferred language below each image and download them at no cost.

Facing Trauma

Follow Ezra, Elias, Atid, Satya, Samir &Viktoria as they share their impactful stories. Listen through the QR codes for an immersive experience, step into their world, and explore their unique coping strategies. Download the poster in your preferred language from the options below.

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Healing Fairytales

Use fairytale characters to spark conversations about challenging experiences, allowing participants to explore these topics from a safe distance and to change the narrative. Download the poster in your preferred language from the options below.

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Stress Discovery Channel

Explore stress and trauma symptoms through animals showcasing different reactions, like the fight, flight, freeze fawn responses. Encourage children to reflect on their own responses to stressful or traumatic events. Download the poster in your preferred language from the options below.

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The Self-Care City

Discover self-care activities across six islands in the Self-Care City, with QR codes providing an audio instruction on each island. Download the poster in your preferred language from the options below.

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Inside the Brain

Simplify the brain’s functions by introducing its three basic parts, using memories to illustrate how the brain and body react and adapt to difficult experiences. Download the poster in your preferred language from the options below.

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My Support Team

Identify and reflect on the importance of support networks with this poster, highlighting different groups who can offer help in difficult situations. Download the poster in your preferred language from the options below.

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Animal Yoga

Engage in yoga poses inspired by animals, helping children relax and connect with their bodies in a fun way. Download the poster in your preferred language from the options below.

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Mandala Fun

Enjoy a calming experience with this poster,focused on drawing and colouring mandalas to promote mindfulness, relaxationand creativity. Download the poster in your preferred language from the options below.

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Emotion Maze

Explore and understand emotions through a seriesof fun exercises and scenarios, encouraging conversation and self-awareness. Download the poster in your preferred language from the options below.

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Compliments & Talents

Practice giving and receiving compliments, building self-esteem and recognising personal strengths in this cooperative game. Download the poster in your preferred language from the options below.

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Our games and activities manual provides 60+ trauma-informed games and exercises designed for children and youth. The first section includes activities that complement our 10 educational posters. The second section features standalone activities organised around the four dimensions of our self-care compass: physical, emotional, social, and psychological well-being.

Each game is accompanied by clear instructions to help you run meaningful and engaging sessions with children and youth.  Additionally, all activities can be accessed via StreetSmart Play using the QR code, ensuring they are easy to integrate into your daily work.

Games & Activities Manual on Trauma-Informed Support 

The complete manual with all 60+ games and activities.

Download the manual in:


Facing Trauma” is a fictional, immersive podcast that invites you into the lives of Ezra, Elias, Atid, Satya, Samir, and Viktoria as they share their powerful stories of resilience and strength through challenging times. With vivid sound effects, each episode brings their journeys to life, offering an engaging starting point for meaningful conversations about stress, trauma, self-care, and emotions. Alongside the stories, the podcast features six audio instructions designed to help you relax, stretch, and spark creativity.

Available in eight languages — English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Greek, Romanian, Ukrainian, and Arabic — you can stream the episodes for free on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Music. Tune in today!

Ezra • A story about neglect

Join Ezra on her journey of healing after losing her mother, as she navigates the pain of loneliness and her father's grief. With support from her psychologist, Mr. Theo, and a growing love for books, Ezra starts to rediscover comfort and hope for a brighter future.

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Elias • A story about natural disaster

Meet Elias, a seven-year-old with big dreams and an even bigger heart. After a devastating earthquake turns his world upside down, he shares his adventures with his beloved bike, his hope to reunite his family and his dream of a peaceful life away from the chaos of the city.

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Atid and Satya • A story about secondary trauma

Meet siblings Atid and Satya as they navigate a new chapter of their lives after a tragic accident on their farm. Forced to leave farming behind, they start selling handmade clothes in a lively market. Together, they face challenges and find strength in their unbreakable bond.

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Samir • A story about separation

Meet Samir, a 10-year-old who had to leave his home and family behind to start a new life in another country. Amidst the challenges of being surrounded by strangers, he finds friendship and learns to cope with being apart from his loved ones. And then, one day, he receives incredible news that changes everything …

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Viktoria • A story about war

Meet Viktoria, a young girl who finds hope and connection through music after escaping the hardships of war. From finding joy in a metro station to meeting Olga, a retired music teacher who inspires her to sing, Viktoria's story takes a heartwarming turn when a video of her performance goes viral.

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Freeze Dance

Dance to the beat, freeze like a statue when the music stops, and adjust your moves to the music’s volume —big for loud, small for soft. With easy instructions and exciting twists, this interactive game guarantees non-stop laughter and energy.

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Body Scanner

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let soothing music guide you as the magical scanner gently explores your body, from your wiggly toes to your busy mind. This grounding exercise helps you reconnect with the present moment and deepen your awareness of your body and its responses.

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5 Senses Exercise

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let soothing music guide you as the magical scanner gently explores your body, from your wiggly toes to your busy mind. This grounding exercise helps you reconnect with the present moment and deepen your awareness of your body and its responses.

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Everyday Creations

Search for everyday treasures like cardboard, leaves, and stones, and transform them into extraordinary creations. Build spaceships, magical creatures, or anything you can dream of.

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Flower Breathing

Picture a flower resting on your tummy, opening and closing with each breath, as the calming sounds of nature bring peace and joy. This simple activity offers a breathing exercise you can practice anytime you feel stressed or need a moment of calm.

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Yoga Safari

Stretch like a snake, roar like a lion, and arch like a cat — each pose introduces a new animal friend, helping you build strength and flexibility while finding relaxation and calm.

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Verbeter jouw expertise in traumageïnformeerd jeugdwerk met onze vijf trainingsprogramma's beschikbaar op StreetSmart Learn in het Engels, Spaans, Nederlands en Frans. Deze programma's bieden een uitgebreid begrip van traumageïnformeerde praktijken en combineren theoretische kennis met praktische tools en voorbeelden. De training is gestructureerd rond het raamwerk van de Vier R's, en behandelt belangrijke gebieden zoals het concept van trauma begrijpen (Realise), traumareacties, symptomen en triggers identificeren (Recognise), psychologische eerste hulp en zelfzorgtechnieken toepassen (Respond), en strategieën implementeren om weerstand te bieden tegen retraumatisering.

Kies uw voorkeurstaal onder elke video en begin vandaag nog met leren op StreetSmart Learn.


Trauma kan iedereen treffen, maar de impact op kinderen en adolescenten is bijzonder diep en langdurig. Omdat hun hersenen en emoties nog volop in ontwikkeling zijn, kan trauma hun vermogen om relaties aan te gaan, hun gevoelens te beheersen en te slagen op school of in het dagelijks leven verstoren. Dit is een nog grotere uitdaging voor jongeren in kwetsbare gemeenschappen, die een hoger risico lopen op traumatische ervaringen zoals misbruik, verwaarlozing of een onstabiele thuissituatie als gevolg van armoede, discriminatie en beperkte kansen.

Jeugdwerkers spelen een vitale rol in de ondersteuning van deze jongeren, maar vaak ontbreekt het hen aan de instrumenten en middelen die nodig zijn om accuraat te reageren. Of ze nu werken met kinderen uit achtergestelde families, vluchtelingen uit conflictgebieden of gemeenschappen die getroffen zijn door natuurrampen, de snel veranderende wereld van vandaag vraagt om een gedeeld begrip van het concept van trauma en traumagevoelige praktijken.

Om in deze behoefte te voorzien, hebben we de toolkit “Omgaan met Trauma” ontwikkeld. Deze toolkit biedt een duidelijk kader om trauma in verschillende contexten te begrijpen en aan te pakken. Het voorziet jeugdprofessionals van praktische strategieën om veilige, ondersteunende omgevingen te creëren waar kinderen en jongeren kunnen genezen, groeien en hun potentieel kunnen bereiken.

Ontworpen voor verschillende leeftijdsgroepen, verkent de toolkit op een boeiende manier thema's zoals trauma, stress, zelfzorg en emotioneel welzijn, zodat iedereen kan bijdragen tot trauma-geïnformeerde praktijken. Deze toolkit is een samenwerking tussen StreetSmart, Minor-Ndako, Save the Children Roemenië & SolidarityNow, medegefinancierd door de Europese Unie.

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