After four inspiring days with the Street Child Empowerment Foundation (SCEF) in Accra, Ghana, our StreetSmart team traveled on to Togo for a brief visit to our partner network there. At the Maison d’Accueil des Enfants en Difficulté (MAED), our team gave an introduction to the different StreetSmart tools and learned more about this Togolese organisation, which is dedicated to working with children in conflict with the law. To reach these children, the organisation connects with young people in prisons and detention centers, such as the Centre d’Accès au Droit et à la Justice pour Enfants (CADJE) in Lomé and the Prison Civile in nearby Tsévié. By bringing non-formal educational activities to these institutions, the organisation is combating the high rate of recidivism among young people.

To wrap up the short visit, the MAED team was invited to see the mobile school in action, alongside our active partners, AGOPODE and Hälsa International. In Adidogomé, educators from the different stakeholders gathered to interact directly with the mobile school and the children and young people. During the session, it became clear that our active partners are still doing their best to bring non-formal education to children and young people in Lomé, and that many different stakeholders are ready and willing to strengthen these efforts in the near future.