Explore our FAQ section. If you can not find the answer to your question, please contact us directly.
Probably, you are not logged in to the StreetSmart Play platform! Click the Login/Sign Up button at the top of the page and follow the steps. No account yet? Check out the tutorial or just register here.
Share your own game by clicking the ‘Share a new game’ at the top of the homepage. Follow the steps of the wizard to complete your upload. Need more information about how to use the wizard? Read this tutorial.
For a quick search, go to the home page and select a topic, learning skill or activity at the top of the page.
For a more extensive search, go to the games page and scroll down. On the left-hand side of the page, you will find a green filter button. Click the filter button and select the filters you want to use.
Scroll down and click apply filters to get the results. More information on the use of filters can be found in this tutorial.
StreetSmart Play is a free of charge educational content-sharing platform. Make an account and discover hundreds of educational games and activities for free.
After uploading your game, it might take a while before our content managers publish your game in the other languages. This way, a spelling check can be executed to make sure the description of your game is understandable to other users. Meanwhile, your game will be visible on your own profile under the section ‘Your games that are being reviewed.’
Your favourite games and contributors can be saved in your profile. To add a game to your profile and save it for later, just click the heart button on the game or overview page. To add a contributor to your favourite contributors, go to the profile of a game designers and click the heart button. Both your favourite games and contributors can be found in the ‘My Favourites’ tab in your profile.
StreetSmart Play is an online content-sharing platform where everyone can share their educational activities with the community. The platform is community owned and quality-control is maintained by a system of rating and feedback. Moreover, users are able to report games if the games are not clear or if they contain inappropriate content which is not in line with the universal children’s rights and our terms and conditions. For more info, check our terms and conditions here.
You will always stay the owner of your uploaded materials, but you will give a license to other users of the platform and to us to use and change them. Only upload material of which you have the rights, or which are rights free. For more information, read our Terms & conditions on the StreetSmart Play platform.