StreetSmart Wheels

Everything you need to know so you can use StreetSmart Wheels like a pro (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions

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Can I buy a mobile school, an educational blackboard on wheels?

No, it’s not possible to buy a mobile school. StreetSmart always collaborates with existing local partner organisations that are offering educational activities to street-connected young people. We believe in sustainable partnerships with organisations that are conducting multiple interventions per week with our tools. That’s why we always stick to our partnership procedure as described here. Once a partnership is approved, StreetSmart invests directly in the costs of the educational materials and the trainings on-site. Our partners are responsible for the daily operational costs and the one-time clearance costs. For more detailed information, check out our pricing model or send us a message!

Do I need to work for an organisation to apply for a mobile school?

Yes, in order to guarantee sustainability, StreetSmart always partners with existing local organisations with at least two paid staff members. You’re an individual and you’re inspired by the idea of StreetSmart Wheels? Don’t hesitate to put us in touch with local organisations that are conducting educational activities with young people.

What are the selection criteria to become a StreetSmart Wheels partner?

All the StreetSmart Wheels partners are organisations that run at least 4 interventions per week with the mobile school to guarantee social impact. Local partners are responsible to have paid street educators, resources to transport the materials to and from the intervention areas and safe storage. Moreover, all of our partners use our StreetSmart digital tools to plan educational activities, to train their staff and to measure their impact. During the application phase and the exploratory expedition, a StreetSmart facilitator will make an evaluation together with the applying organisation, taking into account all these criteria, before making a final decision to start up a StreetSmart Wheels partnership. More information on our partnerships can be found here.

Can I only apply for the printed educational materials of StreetSmart Wheels?

No, StreetSmart Wheels is an integrated outreach approach, a combination of a mobile school, printed educational materials, training & coaching and the StreetSmart Impact and Play digital tools. If you’re interested in educational materials, go to our StreetSmart Play platform, make an account, and find hundreds of educational games you can use for free!

Can I volunteer for an organisation that’s working with a mobile school?

StreetSmart does not send volunteers to partners abroad. Our local partners are independent organisations with their own criteria and policies regarding volunteers. However, people who are inspired by our story and want to volunteer, can join our volunteer groups in Belgium. Contact us for more information!

I want to become a StreetSmart Wheels partner, what to do next?

Do you work for an organisation that’s working with street-connected young people? Interested in using our street-proof tools and methodologies? Great! Every organisation worldwide working with this target group can become a StreetSmart Wheels partner. Send us a message to get in touch so we can provide you with all the documents to start your application!

How do you make sure children can relate to the educational materials?

For StreetSmart, it is crucial children in all countries can relate to the educational panels. That’s why all our materials are always translated into the dominant local language before starting up a new StreetSmart Wheels project. Moreover, cultural adaptations are made depending on the continent and region where the local partner will use the materials to ensure the highest possible impact on the streets.

In which countries do you have StreetSmart Wheels partnerships?

The StreetSmart Wheels network is constantly growing! Check out the StreetSmart Wheels product page to get an overview of our active partner organisations.

Who is responsible for the production of the mobile school?

The mobile school carts are produced by the teachers and students of the Provincial Secondary School in Bilzen (PSSB). This way, the students have a direct impact on street-connected young people worldwide. Learn more about the school and their production site in this video.

How can I contribute to the organisation?

MobileSchool.org has a large number of volunteers who use their individual talents to contribute to the mission of the organisation. Organising campaigns, developing new educational materials or translating documents … our volunteers are superstars! Interested in joining this dynamic group of people. Don’t hesitate to send us a message! Besides volunteering, you can support us by donating. Your donation will be used to increase our impact on street-connected children worldwide.

How do you finance the investments of StreetSmart in the partnership?

Thanks to our 360° impact model, our business venture StreetwiZe invests its profits into the social projects of StreetSmart. Besides this, we can count on the support of our partners and private donations. For more information about the model, visit the ‘Our impact’ page. More information about donations, visit the MobileSchool.org donation page.

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